In communities across the country, individuals experiencing abuse and neglect are staying silent. The issue is substantial, but just how bad is it? Recent studies show 117,268 children reported possible forms of abuse and neglect in North Carolina. Thankfully, in our community, The Children’s Advocacy Center is on an ambitious mission to provide relief and support to children who are going through this terrible reality.
At Byrd Agency, we believe no child ought to experience abuse! We must do everything in our power to provide these young children the tools they need to recover from their horrific experiences, develop into strong individuals, and lead lives filled with meaning and purpose.
Through our support of The Children’s Advocacy Center, we seek to aid children who experience the painful and vicious cycle of violence and abuse in their lives. We hope to count on your support and invite you to join this cause with us!
Recommend your friends, family, and co-workers to receive an insurance quote from us, and we’ll donate $10 for every person! All funds raised during our Community Cause campaign will support and create a positive change in our community.